
Roamads (noun) – People of kindred spirit that have the restless urge to explore, learn and play.

Founded by people who could not give up the dream of an endless journey and adventure. We roam land and water to catch fish on the fly without the constricts of limits.  Seeking new places and methods to keep our minds open; because the journey is as important as the destination.  Come follow us to hike, drive, boat, camp, cook, eat, drink and live the Roamad lifestyle!  We wish to learn and share thoughts, ideas, experiences, photos and videos with people of similar passions.


It must be noted that many of these thoughts are opinion and each journal is open to different views and opinions.

There are links to products that were directly used, however, the power of free market is strongly encouraged.  Feel free to discuss your own experiences and what works for you.

Please help us continue our dream of the endless adventure and share your thoughts and ideas!


See you on your journeys!

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